SourceOECD 数据库试用


我馆已开通SourceOECD 数据库(经济合作发展组织出品的在线图书馆)的试用,试用时间为200961日到2009731日。 







SourceOECD 数据库简介                           

SourceOECD 数据库是由OECD,即经济合作发展组织出品的一个在线图书馆,可24小时提供经合组织OECD的报告书、统计、汇编和数据库,是传播经合组织研究成果的重要工具。





1 OECD出版了超过3200种图书、报告,其中约1700种具有电子版,且每年增加200多种,这1700种图书按照领域分为20个类别,具体类别请参考如下列表中。1700种图书的详细标题和内容请参考网页:

农业和食品 (SourceOECD Agriculture & Food)

发展学 (SourceOECD Development)

教育和技术类 (SourceOECD Education & Skills)

新兴经济形态 (SourceOECD Emerging Economies)

就业 (SourceOECD Employment)

能源 (SourceOECD Energy)

环境和可持续发展 (SourceOECD Environment & Sustainable Development)

财政和投资/保险和社会保障 (SourceOECD Finance &Investment/Insurance & Pensions)

宏观经济和未来学研究 (SourceOECD General Economics & Future Studies)

政府管理 (SourceOECD Governance)

工业,服务业和贸易 (SourceOECD Industry, Services & Trade)

ECD成员国数据统计 (SourceOECD National Accounts & Historical Statistics)

核能源 (SourceOECD Nuclear Energy)

科学和信息技术 (SourceOECD Science & Information Technology)

社会问题/移民/卫生健康 (SourceOECD Social Issues/Migration/Health)

统计资源和方法 (SourceOECD Statistics Sources & Methods)

税收 (SourceOECD Taxation)

转型经济 (SourceOECD Transition Economies)

交通 (SourceOECD Transport)

城市、乡村和地区发展 (SourceOECD Urban, Rural and Regional Development)  

 2 OECD出版27种期刊,全部都有在线版:期刊按照种类分为:期刊、参考类期刊、统计类期刊三大类,涵盖经济、金融、教育、能源、法律、科技等领域。其中包括著名的经济展望Economic Outlook,主要经济指标Main Economic Indicators等。期刊标题的访问网址为:,3343,en_21571361_33915056_34003797_1_1_1_1,00.html,具体期刊标题请参考如下:

Creditor Reporting System on Aid Activities  (Discontinued with the last issue of 2005)

OECD DAC Journal on Development (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal)

Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 

Energy Prices and Taxes 

Financial Market Trends (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal)

Higher Education Management and Policy 

International Trade by Commodities Statistics 

Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal) 

Main Economic Indicators 

Main Science and Technology Indicators 

Monthly Statistics of International Trade 

NEA News (Discontinued with the last issue of 2005)

Nuclear Law Bulletin  

OECD Economic Outlook

OECD Economic Studies (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal)

OECD Economic Surveys 

OECD Journal 

OECD Journal of Competition Law and Policy (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal)

OECD Journal of Investment Policy (New for 2008! Now available as a component of the OECD Journal) 

OECD Journal on Budgeting  (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal)

OECD Observer 

OECD Papers (Now available as a component of the OECD Journal)

Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity - Quarterly Statistics 

PEB Exchange (being discontinued with the last issue of 2005)

Quarterly Labor Force Statistics - Discontinued.  Last issue 2004/4.

Quarterly National Accounts 

STI Review - Discontinued.  No. 27 last issue published 

3 OECD还出版22种在线统计数据库(数据库包括1965年以来的数据),此外还有国际能源组织的 9个数据库。数据库标题访问网址为:,3343,en_21571361_33915056_34004076_1_1_1_1,00.html,具体标题如下:

OECD Agriculture Statistics 

OECD Banking Statistics 

OECD Economic Outlook 

OECD Education Statistics 

OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics  

OECD Health Data  

OECD Insurance Statistics  

OECD International Development Statistics 

OECD International Direct Investment Statistics  

OECD International Migration Statistics 

International Trade by Commodity Statistics 

Main Economic Indicators  

Monthly Statistics of International Trade 

National Accounts of OECD Countries 

OECD Science, Technology and R&D Databases 

OECD Social Expenditure Database  

OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services 

OECD Statistics on Measuring Globalisation  

OECD Structural Analysis Database (STAN)  

Structural and Demographic Business Statistics  

OECD Tax Statistics  

OECD Telecommunications and Internet Statistics

CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 

Coal Information  

Electricity Information 

Energy Price and Taxes  

Forecasts from Energy Policies 

Natural Gas Information 

Oil Information  

Renewables Information 

World Energy Statistics and Balances 

